// Pd Spectral Toolkit
// mixture.c
// Example Object
// Accepts mixed float / symbol input and sorts it to corresponding outlets
// Created by Cooper Baker on 3/29/12.
// Updated for 64 Bit Support in September 2019.
// Copyright (C) 2019 Cooper Baker. All Rights Reserved.
// m_pd.h - main header for Pd
#include "m_pd.h"
// utility header for Pd Spectral Toolkit project
#include "utility.h"
// mixture_class - pointer to this object's definition
t_class* mixture_class;
// mixture - data structure holding this object's data
typedef struct mixture
// this object - must always be first variable in struct
t_object object;
// pointers to the outlets
t_outlet* symbol_outlet;
t_outlet* float_outlet;
// arrays to hold input values
t_float float_list [ 65535 ];
t_symbol* symbol_list[ 65535 ];
// float to hold list size
t_float symbol_list_size;
t_float float_list_size;
} t_mixture;
// function prototypes
void mixture_parse ( t_mixture* object, t_symbol* selector, t_int items, t_atom* list );
void mixture_bang ( t_mixture* object );
void* mixture_new ( void );
void mixture_setup ( void );
// mixture_bang - causes status list output
void mixture_bang( t_mixture* object )
// indicies to iterate through the object's lists of messages
t_int float_index;
t_int symbol_index;
// iterate through the object's symbol list
for( symbol_index = 0 ; symbol_index < object->symbol_list_size ; ++symbol_index )
// send each symbol list item out the symbol outlet
outlet_symbol( object->symbol_outlet, object->symbol_list[ symbol_index ] );
// iterate through the object's float list
for( float_index = 0 ; float_index < object->float_list_size ; ++float_index )
// send each float list item out the float outlet
outlet_float( object->float_outlet, object->float_list[ float_index ] );
// mixture_parse - parses list input
void mixture_parse( t_mixture* object, t_symbol* selector, t_int items, t_atom* list )
// if the input list is too large
if( items > 65535 )
// tell the user
post( "mixture error : input list is too large" );
// end execution of this function
// index to keep track of position in input list
t_int item_index;
// indicies to count each type of input
t_int float_index = 0;
t_int symbol_index = 0;
// if the first message is a symbol it shows up as the selector
if( selector )
// save the "selector" in the symbol list
object->symbol_list[ symbol_index ] = selector;
// increment the number of symbols
// iterate through the input messages
for( item_index = 0 ; item_index < items ; ++item_index )
// if the input message is a float
if( list[ item_index ].a_type == A_FLOAT )
// save the float into the object's float list
object->float_list[ float_index ] = list[ item_index ].a_w.w_float;
// increment the number of floats
// if the input message is a symbol
else if( list[ item_index ].a_type == A_SYMBOL )
// save the symbol into the object's symbol list
object->symbol_list[ symbol_index ] = list[ item_index ].a_w.w_symbol;
// increment the number of symbols
// store the number of each type of message in the object's struct variables
object->float_list_size = float_index;
object->symbol_list_size = symbol_index;
// call bang to trigger output
mixture_bang( object );
// mixture_new - initialize the object upon instantiation ( aka "constructor" )
void* mixture_new( void )
// declare a pointer to this class
t_mixture* object;
// generate a new object and save its pointer in "object"
object = ( t_mixture* )pd_new( mixture_class );
// generate two new outlets and save their pointers in the object's struct
object->float_outlet = outlet_new( &object->object, gensym( "float" ) );
object->symbol_outlet = outlet_new( &object->object, gensym( "symbol" ) );
// initialize the object's list size
object->float_list_size = 0;
object->symbol_list_size = 0;
// return the pointer to this class
return ( void* )object;
// mixture setup - defines this object and its properties to Pd
void mixture_setup( void )
// create a new class and assign its pointer to mixture_class
mixture_class = class_new( gensym( "mixture" ), ( t_newmethod )mixture_new, 0, sizeof( t_mixture ), 0, 0 );
// add message handler, responding to any message
class_addmethod( mixture_class, ( t_method )mixture_parse, gensym( "anything" ), A_GIMME, 0 );
// add bang handler
class_addbang( mixture_class, ( t_method )mixture_bang );
// EOF
// Pd Spectral Toolkit
// mixture.c
// Example Object
// Accepts mixed float / symbol input and sorts it to corresponding outlets
// Created by Cooper Baker on 3/29/12.
// Updated for 64 Bit Support in September 2019.
// Copyright (C) 2019 Cooper Baker. All Rights Reserved.
// m_pd.h - main header for Pd
#include "m_pd.h"
// utility header for Pd Spectral Toolkit project
#include "utility.h"
// mixture_class - pointer to this object's definition
t_class* mixture_class;
// mixture - data structure holding this object's data
typedef struct mixture
// this object - must always be first variable in struct
t_object object;
// pointers to the outlets
t_outlet* symbol_outlet;
t_outlet* float_outlet;
// arrays to hold input values
t_float float_list [ 65535 ];
t_symbol* symbol_list[ 65535 ];
// float to hold list size
t_float symbol_list_size;
t_float float_list_size;
} t_mixture;
// function prototypes
void mixture_parse ( t_mixture* object, t_symbol* selector, t_int items, t_atom* list );
void mixture_bang ( t_mixture* object );
void* mixture_new ( void );
void mixture_setup ( void );
// mixture_bang - causes status list output
void mixture_bang( t_mixture* object )
// indicies to iterate through the object's lists of messages
t_int float_index;
t_int symbol_index;
// iterate through the object's symbol list
for( symbol_index = 0 ; symbol_index < object->symbol_list_size ; ++symbol_index )
// send each symbol list item out the symbol outlet
outlet_symbol( object->symbol_outlet, object->symbol_list[ symbol_index ] );
// iterate through the object's float list
for( float_index = 0 ; float_index < object->float_list_size ; ++float_index )
// send each float list item out the float outlet
outlet_float( object->float_outlet, object->float_list[ float_index ] );
// mixture_parse - parses list input
void mixture_parse( t_mixture* object, t_symbol* selector, t_int items, t_atom* list )
// if the input list is too large
if( items > 65535 )
// tell the user
post( "mixture error : input list is too large" );
// end execution of this function
// index to keep track of position in input list
t_int item_index;
// indicies to count each type of input
t_int float_index = 0;
t_int symbol_index = 0;
// if the first message is a symbol it shows up as the selector
if( selector )
// save the "selector" in the symbol list
object->symbol_list[ symbol_index ] = selector;
// increment the number of symbols
// iterate through the input messages
for( item_index = 0 ; item_index < items ; ++item_index )
// if the input message is a float
if( list[ item_index ].a_type == A_FLOAT )
// save the float into the object's float list
object->float_list[ float_index ] = list[ item_index ].a_w.w_float;
// increment the number of floats
// if the input message is a symbol
else if( list[ item_index ].a_type == A_SYMBOL )
// save the symbol into the object's symbol list
object->symbol_list[ symbol_index ] = list[ item_index ].a_w.w_symbol;
// increment the number of symbols
// store the number of each type of message in the object's struct variables
object->float_list_size = float_index;
object->symbol_list_size = symbol_index;
// call bang to trigger output
mixture_bang( object );
// mixture_new - initialize the object upon instantiation ( aka "constructor" )
void* mixture_new( void )
// declare a pointer to this class
t_mixture* object;
// generate a new object and save its pointer in "object"
object = ( t_mixture* )pd_new( mixture_class );
// generate two new outlets and save their pointers in the object's struct
object->float_outlet = outlet_new( &object->object, gensym( "float" ) );
object->symbol_outlet = outlet_new( &object->object, gensym( "symbol" ) );
// initialize the object's list size
object->float_list_size = 0;
object->symbol_list_size = 0;
// return the pointer to this class
return ( void* )object;
// mixture setup - defines this object and its properties to Pd
void mixture_setup( void )
// create a new class and assign its pointer to mixture_class
mixture_class = class_new( gensym( "mixture" ), ( t_newmethod )mixture_new, 0, sizeof( t_mixture ), 0, 0 );
// add message handler, responding to any message
class_addmethod( mixture_class, ( t_method )mixture_parse, gensym( "anything" ), A_GIMME, 0 );
// add bang handler
class_addbang( mixture_class, ( t_method )mixture_bang );
// EOF