function ola( filePath, fileName )
% OverLap Add
% Cooper Baker - 2014
close all;
% Settings
grainSize = 1024;
overlap = 4;
stretchFactor = 2;
window = hann( grainSize, 'periodic' );
tag = 'ola';
% Initializations
if any( exist( 'fileName' ) ~= 1 )
[ fileName, filePath ] = uigetfile( '*.wav', 'Audio File' );
grainHopSize = ( grainSize / overlap ) / stretchFactor;
stretchHopSize = grainSize / overlap;
[ input, sr ] = audioread( [ filePath, fileName ] );
input = [ zeros( grainSize, 1 ) ; input ; zeros( grainSize - mod( length( input ), grainHopSize ), 1 ) ];
output = [ zeros( length( input ) * stretchFactor + ( grainSize / 2 ), 1 ) ];
grainIndex = 0;
grainMax = length( input ) - grainSize;
stretchIndex = 0;
% create progress bar dialog box
bar = waitbar( 0, '0%', 'Name', sprintf( '%s: processing %s...', mfilename, fileName ) );
% Processing Loop
while grainIndex < grainMax
% randomize input grain location within hop to mitigate robotization
grainRand = grainIndex + randi( grainHopSize );
grain = input( grainRand + 1 : grainRand + grainSize ) .* window;
% write grain to output buffer
output( stretchIndex + 1 : stretchIndex + grainSize ) = output( stretchIndex + 1 : stretchIndex + grainSize ) + grain;
% increment grain indices
grainIndex = grainIndex + grainHopSize;
stretchIndex = stretchIndex + stretchHopSize;
% update the progress bar
progress = ( grainIndex / grainMax );
waitbar( progress, bar, sprintf( '%2.3f%%', progress * 100 ) )
% close progress bar dialog box
close( bar );
% Output
% crop output buffer
output = output( grainSize + 1 : length( output ) );
% normalize output
normCoeff = 1 / max( abs( output ) );
output = output * normCoeff;
% make comments for file
commentString = sprintf( 'WinSize: %.0f,\nOverlap: %.0f,\nStretch: %.2f,\nWindow: %s', grainSize, overlap, stretchFactor, 'Hann' );
% save output to file
% write audio file to disk
[ a, fileName, b ] = fileparts( fileName );
outFile = sprintf( '%s.%s.wav', fileName, tag );
audiowrite( outFile, output, sr, 'BitsPerSample', 32, 'Artist', 'NormCoeff', 'Title', num2str( normCoeff ), 'Comment', commentString );
% plot output
timevector = linspace( 0, length( output ) / sr, length( output ) );
plot( timevector, output );
% OverLap Add
% Cooper Baker - 2014
close all;
% Settings
grainSize = 1024;
overlap = 4;
stretchFactor = 2;
window = hann( grainSize, 'periodic' );
tag = 'ola';
% Initializations
if any( exist( 'fileName' ) ~= 1 )
[ fileName, filePath ] = uigetfile( '*.wav', 'Audio File' );
grainHopSize = ( grainSize / overlap ) / stretchFactor;
stretchHopSize = grainSize / overlap;
[ input, sr ] = audioread( [ filePath, fileName ] );
input = [ zeros( grainSize, 1 ) ; input ; zeros( grainSize - mod( length( input ), grainHopSize ), 1 ) ];
output = [ zeros( length( input ) * stretchFactor + ( grainSize / 2 ), 1 ) ];
grainIndex = 0;
grainMax = length( input ) - grainSize;
stretchIndex = 0;
% create progress bar dialog box
bar = waitbar( 0, '0%', 'Name', sprintf( '%s: processing %s...', mfilename, fileName ) );
% Processing Loop
while grainIndex < grainMax
% randomize input grain location within hop to mitigate robotization
grainRand = grainIndex + randi( grainHopSize );
grain = input( grainRand + 1 : grainRand + grainSize ) .* window;
% write grain to output buffer
output( stretchIndex + 1 : stretchIndex + grainSize ) = output( stretchIndex + 1 : stretchIndex + grainSize ) + grain;
% increment grain indices
grainIndex = grainIndex + grainHopSize;
stretchIndex = stretchIndex + stretchHopSize;
% update the progress bar
progress = ( grainIndex / grainMax );
waitbar( progress, bar, sprintf( '%2.3f%%', progress * 100 ) )
% close progress bar dialog box
close( bar );
% Output
% crop output buffer
output = output( grainSize + 1 : length( output ) );
% normalize output
normCoeff = 1 / max( abs( output ) );
output = output * normCoeff;
% make comments for file
commentString = sprintf( 'WinSize: %.0f,\nOverlap: %.0f,\nStretch: %.2f,\nWindow: %s', grainSize, overlap, stretchFactor, 'Hann' );
% save output to file
% write audio file to disk
[ a, fileName, b ] = fileparts( fileName );
outFile = sprintf( '%s.%s.wav', fileName, tag );
audiowrite( outFile, output, sr, 'BitsPerSample', 32, 'Artist', 'NormCoeff', 'Title', num2str( normCoeff ), 'Comment', commentString );
% plot output
timevector = linspace( 0, length( output ) / sr, length( output ) );
plot( timevector, output );