The output of a few oscillators is displayed as a three dimensional graph consisting of several thousand dots. The location of each dot is controlled by the oscillators' outputs, one output per axis, while the carrier and modulator frequencies are modified in live performance, creating a synchronous visual representation of the music's waveforms as they unfold.

Dotscilloscope was created using a homemade digital signal processing kit written in C++ and the Cinder toolkit for Open GL visuals. The piece is played live by using the computer keyboard to select different preset combinations of oscillator frequencies and interpolation times.

Dotscilloscope has been performed at the Winter 2012 UCSD Graduate Computer Music Concert, the 2012 Stanford California Electronic Music Exchange Concert (CEMEC), the 2012 UCSB CEMEC Concert, the 2012 CalArts CEMEC Concert, the 2012 UCSD CRCA Celebration Event, and at the 2013 International Computer Music Conference in Perth, Australia.

Performance Demo